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is a Rust-Based Web Building Engine to Facilitate Your Web Program and JavaScript Library

Extremely Fast

Written in Rust, start a React / Vue project in milliseconds and perform an HMR update within 10ms for most situations.

Incremental Building

Incremental Building: Support persistent cache, module level cache enabled by default, any module won't be compiled twice until it's changed!

Rich Features

Farm support compiling Html, Css, Css Modules, Js/Jsx/Ts/Tsx, Json, Static Assets out of box, support sass, less, postcss, vue, react, solid by official plugins, support lazy compiling, partial bundling and more

Fully Pluggable and Vite Compatible

Everything inside Farm is powered by plugins, Supports both Rust and JavaScript plugins. Support Vite plugins out of box.

Partial Bundling

Partial Bundling: Bundle your project into a few reasonable bundles, speeding up resource loading without losing caching granularity.

Consistency and Compatibility

What you see in development will be the same as what you get in production. Supports both legacy (ES5) and modern browsers.