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Version: 1.0.0

Js Plugin Api

Farm Js Plugin has designed a similar rollup style design plugin system and easy to migrate your plugins/projects from Rollup/Vite/Webpack.

Configuring Js Plugins

Adding JS plugins by plugins option:

import { defineConfig } from "@farmfe/core";
// import a js plugin
import farmPluginFoo from "farm-plugin-foo";

export default defineConfig({
// configuring it in plugins
plugins: [farmPluginFoo()],

Writing Js Plugins

A Farm Js Plugin is a plain javascript object which exposes a set of hooks. for example:

// Create a plugin file that exports a plugin function which returns a `JsPlugin` Object:
import type { JsPlugin } from '@farmfe/core';

// Plugin Options
export interface PluginOptions {
test: boolean;
// export a Plugin Function
export default function MyPlugin(options: PluginOptions): JsPlugin {
// reading options
const { test } = options;

// return a object that exposes hook
return {
name: 'my-farm-plugin',
// using load hook to load custom modules
load: {
filters: {
resolvedPaths: ['\\.test$'] // filter files to improve performance
async executor({ resolvedPath }) {
if (test && resolvedPath.endsWith('.test')) {
return {
content: 'test file',
sourceMap: null
  • Farm provided create-farm-plugin tool to help you create and develop you js plugin quickly. For more details about writing JS plugins, refer to Writing JS Plugins

Plugin Hook Overview

The Js plugin hook is the same as the Rust plugin, See Rust Plugin Hook Overview.


Not all hooks are exposed to Js Plugins, only hooks listed in this document are available.



  • type: string
  • required: true

The name of this plugins, MUST not be empty.

export default function MyPlugin() {
return {
name: 'my-plugin',
// ...


  • type: number
  • required: false
  • default: 100

The priority of this plugins, default to 100. priority controls the execution order of plugins, the larger the value, the earlier the plugin is executed.

export default function MyPlugin() {
return {
name: 'my-plugin',
priority: 1000, // make this plugins execute before all other plugins
// ...

Note that the priority of most farm internal plugins like plugin-script, plugin-resolve is 99, which means your plugins is always executed before the internal plugins. If your want to make your plugin executed after farm internal plugins, set priority to a value that smaller than 99, for example: 98. Also the priority value can be negative, you can set it to -9999 to make sure it is always executed at last.


  • type: config?: (config: UserConfig) => UserConfig | Promise<UserConfig>;
  • hook type: serial
  • required: false

Modify Farm config in config hook, return the (partial) modified config, the returned config will be deeply merged into the config resolved from cli and config file. You can also directly mutate the config.


const resolveConfigPlugin = () => ({
name: 'return-resolve-config-plugin',
config: (_config) => ({
compilation: {
resolve: {
alias: {
foo: 'bar'

config hook is called after all user plugins are resolved, so add new plugins into the config has no effect.


  • type: configResolved?: (config: ResolvedUserConfig) => void | Promise<void>;
  • hook type: serial
  • required: false

Called when the config resolved(after all plugin's config hook being called). Useful when you want to get the final resolved config for your plugin.


const myPlugin = () => {
let farmConfig;

return {
name: 'my-plugin',
configResolved(resolvedConfig) {
// get resolved config
resolvedConfig = farmConfig;
transform: {
filters: {
moduleTypes: ['js']
async executor(param) {
if ( {
// ...


  • type: configureDevServer?: (server: Server) => void | Promise<void>;
  • hook type: serial
  • required: false

Note that this hook runs in development mode only.

Called when Dev Server is ready, you can get the dev server instance.


const myPlugin = () => {
let devServer;

return {
name: 'my-plugin',
configureDevServer(server) {
devServer = server;

Both config and configResolved hook of js plugin are called before config hook of rust plugin.


  • type: configureCompiler?: (compiler: Compiler) => void | Promise<void>;
  • hook type: serial
  • required: false

Called when Rust Compiler is ready, this hook runs in both development and production. You can get Compiler instance here


const myPlugin = () => {
let farmCompiler;

return {
name: 'my-plugin',
configureCompiler(compiler) {
farmCompiler = compiler;


  • type: buildStart?: { executor: Callback<Record<string, never>, void> };
  • hook type: parallel
  • required: false

Called before the compilation starts. You can do some initialization work here.


const myPlugin = () => {
// your plugin operations
let myPluginContext = createMyPluginContext();

return {
name: 'my-plugin',
buildStart: {
async executor() {
// set up my plugin before compilation.

buildStart is only called once for the first compile. Later compiling like Lazy Compilation and HMR Update won't trigger buildStart.


  • required: false
  • hook type: first
  • type:
type ResolveHook = { 
filters: {
importers: string[];
sources: string[];
executor: Callback<PluginResolveHookParam, PluginResolveHookResult>

type Callback<P, R> = (
param: P,
context?: CompilationContext,
hookContext?: { caller?: string; meta: Record<string, unknown> }
) => Promise<R | null | undefined>;

/// Parameter of the resolve hook
export interface PluginResolveHookParam {
/// the start location to resolve `source`, being [None] if resolving a entry or resolving a hmr update.
/// it's id of the parent module, for example: `src/index.ts` or `src/index.vue?vue&type=xxx`
importer: string | null;
/// for example, [ResolveKind::Import] for static import (`import a from './a'`)
kind: ResolveKind;
/// source of the import. for example in index.ts (import App from "./App.vue")
/// source should be './App.vue'
source: string;
/// Resolve result of the resolve hook
export interface PluginResolveHookResult {
/// resolved path, normally a absolute path. you can also return a virtual path, and use [PluginLoadHookResult] to provide the content of the virtual path
resolvedPath: string;
/// whether this module should be external, if true, the module won't present in the final result
external: boolean;
/// whether this module has side effects, affects tree shaking
sideEffects: boolean;
/// the query parsed from specifier, for example, query should be `{ inline: true }` if specifier is `./a.png?inline`
/// if you custom plugins, your plugin should be responsible for parsing query
/// if you just want a normal query parsing like the example above, [crate::utils::parse_query] is for you
query: [string, string][] | null;
/// meta data of the module, will be passed to [PluginLoadHookParam] and [PluginTransformHookParam]
meta: Record<string, string> | null;

All filters sources and importers of resolve hook are regex string.

Custom source resolving from importer, for example, resolving ./b from a.ts:

import b from './b?raw';
// ...

Then the resolve params would be:

const param = {
source: "./b",
importer: { relative_path: "a.ts", query_string: "" },
kind: 'import'

The resolve result of default resolver would be:

const resolve_result = {
resolved_path: "/root/b.ts", // resolved absolute path of the module
external: false, // this module should be included in the final compiled resources and should not be external
side_effects: false, // this module may be tree shaken as it does not contains side effects
query: [["raw", ""]], // query from the source.
meta: {}

The HookContext is used to pass status when you can the hooks recursively, for example, your plugin call context.resolve in resolve hook:

const myPlugin = () => ({
name: 'my-plugin',
resolve: {
filters: {
sources: ['^.+foo.+$'],
importers: ['^src/index.ts$']
executor: async (param, context, hookContext) => {
if (hookContext.caller === 'my-plugin') {
return null;
// replace the original source and resolve new source
const newSource = param.source.replace('foo', 'bar');
return context.resolve({
source: newSource
}, {
caller: 'my-plugin',
meta: {}

In above example, we call context.resolve and pass caller as parameter, then we should add a guard like if (hookContext.caller === 'my-plugin') { to avoid infinite loop.


  • By default, you resolve hook are executed after the default resolver inside Farm, only the sources that can not be resolved by internal resolver will be passed to your plugin, which means if you want to override the default resolve, you need to set your plugin's priority larger than 101.
  • Usually resolved_path is the real absolute path that points to a file. But you can still return a virtual module id like virtual:my-module, but for virtual module you need to implement load hook to custom how to load your virtual module. And in Farm, resolved_path + query = module_id.
  • ResolveKind presents the import type, Example values: require(imported by commonjs require), cssImport(imported by css's import statement), etc.
  • meta can be shared between plugins and hooks, you can get meta from params of load, transform and parse hooks in any plugin.


  • required: false
  • hook type: first
  • type:
type LoadHook = { 
filters: {
importers: string[];
sources: string[];
executor: Callback<PluginLoadHookParam, PluginLoadHookResult>

type Callback<P, R> = (
param: P,
context?: CompilationContext,
hookContext?: { caller?: string; meta: Record<string, unknown> }
) => Promise<R | null | undefined>;

export interface PluginLoadHookParam {
moduleId: string;
resolvedPath: string;
query: [string, string][];
meta: Record<string, string> | null;

export interface PluginLoadHookResult {
/// the content of the module
content: string;
/// the type of the module, for example [ModuleType::Js] stands for a normal javascript file,
/// usually end with `.js` extension
moduleType: ModuleType;
/// source map of the module
sourceMap?: string | null;

Custom how to load your module from a resolved module path or module id. For example, load a virtual module:

const myPlugin = () => ({
name: 'my-plugin',
load: {
filters: {
resolvedPaths: ['^virtual:my-plugin$'],
executor: async (param, context, hookContext) => {
if (param.resolvedPath === 'virutal:my-plugin') {
return {
content: 'export default "foo"',
moduleType: 'js'

module_type and content is required when loading modules in your load hook. source_map is optional, you can return source map if you do transform in the load hook(which is not recommended, we recommend to use transform hook for this situation) or you load original source map from other locations.

filters.resolvedPath of load hook is resolvedPath + query, for example: /root/src/index.vue?vue&type=style&lang=css. If you want to ignore query when filtering modules, you can use $: src/index\\.vue$; If you want to filter modules by query, for example, filtering lang=css, you can use src/index.vue\\.+\\?vue&.+lang=css.


  • required: false
  • hook type: serial
  • type:
type TransformHook = { 
filters: {
importers: string[];
sources: string[];
executor: Callback<PluginTransformHookParam, PluginTransformHookResult>

type Callback<P, R> = (
param: P,
context?: CompilationContext,
hookContext?: { caller?: string; meta: Record<string, unknown> }
) => Promise<R | null | undefined>;

export interface PluginTransformHookParam {
moduleId: string;
/// source content after load or transformed result of previous plugin
content: string;
/// module type after load
moduleType: ModuleType; // Module Type is 'js' | 'jsx' | 'ts' | 'tsx' | 'css' | 'html'...
resolvedPath: string;
query: [string, string][];
meta: Record<string, string> | null;
sourceMapChain: string[];

export interface PluginTransformHookResult {
/// transformed source content, will be passed to next plugin.
content: string;
/// you can change the module type after transform.
moduleType?: ModuleType;
/// transformed source map, all plugins' transformed source map will be stored as a source map chain.
sourceMap?: string | null;
// ignore previous source map. if true, the source map chain will be cleared. and this result should return a new source map that combines all previous source map.
ignorePreviousSourceMap?: boolean;

Do transformation based on module content and module type. Example for transforming sass to css:

export default function farmSassPlugin(
options: SassPluginOptions = {}
): JsPlugin {
return {
name: pluginName,
load: {
filters: { resolvedPaths: ['\\.(scss|sass)$'] },
async executor(param) {
if (param.query.length === 0 && existsSync(param.resolvedPath)) {
const data = await readFile(param.resolvedPath);
return {
content: data,
moduleType: 'sass'

return null;
transform: {
filters: {
moduleTypes: ['sass']
async executor(param, ctx) {
const { css: compiledCss, map } = compileSass(param.content);
return {
content: compiledCss,
moduleType: 'css' // transformed sass to css,
sourceMap: JSON.stringify(map)
ignorePreviousSourceMap: false,

Normal steps for writing transform hook:

  1. add a if guard based moduleType or resolvedPath or moduleId
  2. do transformation of the content
  3. return the transformed content, sourceMap and moduleType

For ignorePreviousSourceMap, if you handled param.sourceMapChain and collapsed the source maps of previous plugins in the transform hook. You should set ignorePreviousSourceMap to true to ensure source map is correct. Otherwise, you should always set this option to false and leave source map chain handled by Farm.

For filters:

  • When both resolvedPaths and moduleTypes are specified, take the union.
  • filters.resolvedPaths is resolvedPath + query, for example: /root/src/index.vue?vue&type=style&lang=css. If you want to ignore query when filtering modules, you can use $: src/index\\.vue$; If you want to filter modules by query, for example, filtering lang=css, you can use src/index.vue\\.+\\?vue&.+lang=css.
  • filters.moduleTypes is NOT regex, it must exactly match the ModuleType like css, js, tsx, etc.

transform hook is content to content. There is a similar hook called process_module, process_module is ast to ast. Js plugin does not support process_module hook due to performance issues, if you want ast to ast transformations, try Rust Plugin instead.


  • type: buildEnd?: { executor: Callback<Record<string, never>, void> };
  • hook type: parallel
  • required: false

Called after the ModuleGraph built, but before the resources render and generation starts. You can do some status updating or finalization work here.


const myPlugin = () => {
// your plugin operations
let myPluginContext = createMyPluginContext();

return {
name: 'my-plugin',
buildEnd: {
async executor() {
// update my plugin status

buildEnd is only called once for the first compile. Later compiling like Lazy Compilation and HMR Update won't trigger buildEnd.


  • type: renderStart?: { executor: Callback<Config['config'], void>; };
  • hook type: parallel
  • required: false

Called before the resources render starts.


const myPlugin = () => {
// your plugin operations
let myPluginContext = createMyPluginContext();

return {
name: 'my-plugin',
renderStart: {
async executor() {
// update my plugin status

renderStart is only called once for the first compile. Later compiling like Lazy Compilation and HMR Update won't trigger renderStart.


  • required: false
  • hook type: serial
  • type:
type RenderResourcePotHook = JsPluginHook<
resourcePotTypes?: ResourcePotType[];
moduleIds?: string[];

type Callback<P, R> = (
param: P,
context?: CompilationContext,
) => Promise<R | null | undefined>;
type JsPluginHook<F, P, R> = { filters: F; executor: Callback<P, R> };

export interface RenderResourcePotParams {
content: string;
sourceMapChain: string[];
resourcePotInfo: {
id: string;
name: string;
resourcePotType: ResourcePotType;
map?: string;
modules: Record<ModuleId, RenderedModule>;
moduleIds: ModuleId[];
data: JsResourcePotInfoData;
custom: Record<string, string>;
export interface RenderResourcePotResult {
content: string;
sourceMap?: string;

Resource Pot is the abstract representation of the final output bundle file, you can return transformed resourcePot content to mutate the final bundle. For example, rendering css:

const myPlugin = () => ({
name: 'test-render-resource-pot',
renderResourcePot: {
filters: {
moduleIds: ['^index.ts\\?foo=bar$'],
resourcePotTypes: ['css']
executor: async (param) => {
return {
content: param.content.replace(

We transform all <--layer--> in css resource pot and replace them to real css code.


When both filters.moduleIds and filters.resourcePotTypes are specified, take the union.


  • required: false
  • hook type: serial
  • type:
type AugmentResourceHash = JsPluginHook<
resourcePotTypes?: ResourcePotType[];
moduleIds?: string[];
id: string;
name: string;
resourcePotType: ResourcePotType;
map?: string;
modules: Record<ModuleId, RenderedModule>;
moduleIds: ModuleId[];
data: JsResourcePotInfoData;
custom: Record<string, string>;

type Callback<P, R> = (
param: P,
context?: CompilationContext,
) => Promise<R | null | undefined>;
type JsPluginHook<F, P, R> = { filters: F; executor: Callback<P, R> };

Append resource hash for give Resource Pot. Useful if you want to add additional conditions when generating resource hash.

const myPlugin = () => ({
name: 'test-augment-resource-pot',
renderResourcePot: {
filters: {
moduleIds: ['^index.ts\\?foo=bar$'],
resourcePotTypes: ['css']
executor: async (param) => {
return 'my-hash-args';

When both filters.moduleIds and filters.resourcePotTypes are specified, take the union.


  • required: false
  • hook type: serial
  • type:
type FinalizeResourcesHook = {
executor: Callback<

export type FinalizeResourcesHookParams = {
resourcesMap: Record<string, Resource>;
config: Config['config'];

export interface Resource {
name: string;
bytes: number[];
emitted: boolean;
resourceType: string;
origin: { type: 'ResourcePot' | 'Module'; value: string };
info?: ResourcePotInfo;

Do some transformations for all generated resources, return transformed resourcesMap. You can add, remove, modify final generated resources in this hook.


  • bytes is binary of the final output, for js/css/html code, you can use Buffer.from(bytes).toString() to get the code.
  • name is the final file name.
  • origin represent where this Resource is from, ResourcePot means it's generated from ResourcePot which is a modules bundle; Module means it's from Module, for example, static files like .png/.jpg are from Module.


  • required: false
  • hook type: serial
  • type:
type TransformHtmlHook = {
order?: 0 | 1 | 2;
executor: Callback<{ htmlResource: Resource }, Resource>;

The order is used to configure when to execute transformHtml hook:

  • 0: means pre, executed before parse and generate resources. You can transform original html in this stage.
  • 1 and 2: means normal and post, executed after parse and generate resources. In this stage, all <script>, <link> tag are injected.

Transform the final generated html(after all <script>, <link> tag are injected).

const myPlugin = () => ({
name: 'my-plugin',
transformHtml: {
order: 2,
async executor({ htmlResource }) {
const htmlCode = Buffer.from(htmlResource).toString();

const newHtmlCode = htmlCode.replace('my-app-data', data);
htmlResource.bytes = [...Buffer.from(newHtmlCode)];

return htmlResource;

You should modify bytes field of htmlResource and return the mutated htmlResource, mutate any other fields take no effects


  • required: false
  • hook type: serial
  • type:
type WriteResourcesHook = {
executor: (param: FinalizeResourcesHookParams) => void | Promise<void>;

Called AFTER all resources are written to disk.


  • required: false
  • hook type: serial
  • type:
type PluginCacheLoadedHook = {
executor: Callback<number[], undefined | null | void>;

Extend persistent cache loading for your plugin.

When Persistent Cache enabled, load and transform hook may be skipped when hitting cache. If your plugin relies on previous compilation result(for example, load a virtual module based on existing modules), you may need to implement this hook to load cached infos of your plugin to ensure cache work as expected.


const myPlugin = () => {
let cachedData;

return {
name: 'my-plugin',
pluginCacheLoaded: {
async executor(bytes) {
const str = Buffer.from(bytes).toString();
cachedData = JSON.parse(str);

You must decide how to serialize/deserialize cache to bytes in your plugins. For a basic example, you can deserialize data by [...Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(data))]


  • required: false
  • hook type: serial
  • type:
type WritePluginCacheHook = {
executor: Callback<undefined, number[]>;

Extend persistent cache writing for your plugin. writePluginCache is often used together with pluginCaceLoaded to read and write persistent cache for plugin. Return the serialized bytes of your data.


const myPlugin = () => {
let cachedData = { foo: 'bar' };

return {
name: 'my-plugin',
writePluginCache: {
async executor() {
const bytes = [...Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(data))];
return bytes;

You must decide how to serialize/deserialize cache to bytes in your plugins. For a basic example, you can deserialize data by [...Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(data))]


  • type: finish?: { executor: Callback<Record<string, never>, void> };
  • hook type: parallel
  • required: false

Called before the resources render starts.


const myPlugin = () => {
// your plugin operations
let myPluginContext = createMyPluginContext();

return {
name: 'my-plugin',
finish: {
async executor() {
// update my plugin status

finish is only called once for the first compile. Later compiling like Lazy Compilation and HMR Update won't trigger finish.


  • required: false
  • hook type: serial
  • type:
type UpdateModulesHook = {
executor: Callback<
{ paths: [string, string][] },
string[] | undefined | null | void

Called when calling compiler.update(module_paths). Useful to do some operations like clearing previous state or ignore some files when performing HMR.

  • paths is paths that will be recompiled for this update
  • return the new paths, later compilation will update the new returned paths.
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