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Version: 1.0.0

Compiler Options

By default, Farm reads the configuration from the farm.config.ts|js|mjs file in the project root directory, an example configuration file:

import { defineConfig } from "@farmfe/core";
export default defineConfig({
root: process.cwd(), // compiled root directory
// compile options
compilation: {
// Dev Server options
server: {
hmr: true,
// plugin configuration
plugins: [],

This document only covers details compilation options. For server or shared options, refer to server or shared

Compilation options - compilation

All compilation-related configuration is under the compilation field.


  • type: Record<string, string>

The entry point for the project. Input files can be html, ts/js/tsx/jsx, css or other files supported by plugins.

import { defineConfig } from "@farmfe/core";

export default defineConfig({
compilation: {
input: {
index: "./index.html",
about: "./about.html",
// ..


  • type: OutputOptions
interface OutputOptions {
// After partial bundling, the file name configuration of the resource where the entry file is located
entryFilename?: string;
// After partial bundling, other resources except the entry resource input file name configuration
filename?: string;
// output directory
path?: string;
// public path: resource loading prefix
publicPath?: string;
// Static resource file name configuration
assetsFilename?: string;
// Target execution environment, polyfill and syntax downgrade will be enabled if the target env is not `node-next` or `browser-esnext`
targetEnv?: 'browser' | 'node' | 'node16' | 'node-legacy' | 'node-next' | 'browser-legacy' | 'browser-es2015' | 'browser-es2017' | 'browser-esnext';
// output module format
format?: "cjs" | "esm";

We call the compiled result a resource


  • default: "[entryName].[ext]"

Configure the filename of the entry resource: you can use placeholders such as [entryName]. All placeholders are as follows:

  • [entryName]: entry name, for example, for input: { index: "./index.html" }, [entryName] is index
  • [resourceName]: The name of the resource, usually a unique hash value generated internally by Farm.
  • [contentHash]: The content hash of the resource.
  • [ext]: The extension of the resource, js for js/jsx/ts/tsx, css for css/scss/less.


  • Default value: "[resourceName].[ext]"

After partial bundling, other resource file names except the resources configured by entryFilename. All placeholders are as follows:

  • [resourceName]: The name of the resource, usually a unique hash value generated internally by Farm.
  • [contentHash]: The content hash of the resource.
  • [ext]: The extension of the resource, js for js/jsx/ts/tsx, css for css/scss/less.


  • default: "dist"

directory of output resources


  • Default value: "/"

The resource url load prefix. For example URL https://xxxx, or a absolute path /xxx/. For example config:

// ...

export default defineConfig({
compilation: {
output: {
publicPath: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? '' : '/'
// ...

When building for production, the injected resources url would be For example, in your output html, all <script> and <link> would be:

<!-- ... -->
<link href="" />
<!-- ... -->
<script src=""></script>

and when loading dynamic scripts and css, the dynamic fetched resources url would also be:<asset-path>


  • Default value: "[resourceName].[ext]"

The filename configuration for static resource output, the placeholder is the same as output.filename.


  • default: "browser-es2017"

Configure the execution environment of the product, which can be "browser" or "node". Farm will automatically inject polyfill and downgrade syntax(for both script and css) for your specified targetEnv, the supported targetEnvs is below:

Targeting browser:

  • browser-es2017: Compiling the project to browsers that support async await natively.
  • browser-es2015: Compiling the project to browsers that support es6 features natively.
  • browser-legacy: Compile the project to ES5, for example, IE9. Note that this may introduce lots of polyfills which makes production size larger. Make sure you really need to support legacy browsers like IE9.
  • browser-esnext: Compile the project to latest modern browsers, no polyfill will be injected.
  • browser: Alias of browser-es2017

Targeting node:

  • node16: Compile the project to Node 16.
  • node-legacy: Compile the project to Node 10.
  • node-next: Compile the project to latest Node Version, no polyfill will be injected.
  • node: Alias of node16


  • default: "esm"

The format of the configuration product, which can be "esm" or "cjs".


This option is only valid for Js products


  • type: ResolveOptions
interface ResolveOptions {
extensions?: string[];
alias?: Record<string, string>;
mainFields?: string[];
conditions?: string[];
symlinks?: boolean;
strictExports?: boolean;


  • default: ["tsx", "ts", "jsx", "js", "mjs", "json", "html", "css"]

Configure the suffix when parsing dependencies. For example, when parsing ./index, if it is not resolved, the suffix parsing will be automatically added, such as trying ./index.tsx, ./index.css, etc.


  • Default value: {}

Configure parsing alias, example:

export default defineConfig({
compilation: {
resolve: {
alias: {
"/@": path.join(process.cwd(), "src"),
stream$: "readable-stream",
"$__farm_regex:^/(utils)$": path.join(process.cwd(), "src/$1"),

alias is prefix replacement, for the above example /@/pages will be replaced by /root/src/pages.

If you want an exact match, you can add $, for example stream$ will only replace stream, but not stream/xxx.

If you want to use regex, you can use $__farm_regex:, for example $__farm_regex:^/(utils)$ will replace /utils to /root/src/utils.

resolve. mainFields

  • default: ["exports", "browser", "module", "main"]

When parsing dependencies under node_modules, the fields and order configured in mainFields will be parsed from package.json. For package.json

"name": "package-a",
"module": "es/index.js",
"main": "lib/index.js"

Will use es/index.js first (if the path exists), and will continue to search backwards if it does not exist.


Configuration is not currently supported.

  • default: true

When parsing a file, whether to track the real directory corresponding to the symlink, and start parsing the next dependency from the real directory. If pnpm is used to manage dependencies, this option must be configured as true.

resolve. strictExports

  • default: false

Whether to strictly follow the exports defined in exports in package.json. If set to true, when exports is defined in package.json, but exports does not define the corresponding export, an error will be reported directly. If set to true, it will continue to try other entries according to mainFields.


  • Default value: {}

Global variable injection, the configured variable name and value will be injected into the product at compile time. Farm injects process.env.NODE_ENV and some variables used by Farm itself such as FARM_HMR_PORT by default

export default defineConfig({
compilation: {
define: {
MY_VAR: 123,


  • default: []
  • type: (string | Record<string, string>)[]

Configure the imports that are external, and the imports that are external will not appear in the compiled product. However, the corresponding import statement will not be deleted. You need to customize how to deal with external, otherwise an error will be reported at runtime. If targetEnv is an external module under node, it will automatically try to require the module.

It needs to be configured in a regular way, for example:

export default defineConfig({
compilation: {
external: ["^stream$", { jquery: "Jquery" }],


  • default: true

External module.builtinModules or not, by default, all builtin modules like fs will be external. You can also set externalNodeBuiltins as array to specify the modules to external manually:

export default defineConfig({
compilation: {
externalNodeBuiltins: ["^stream$"],


  • default: development for start, watch commands, production for build commands

Configure the compilation mode. In order to optimize the performance during development, if there is no manual configuration of production optimization related options (minify, tree shake, etc.), the production environment optimization such as compression and tree shake will be disabled by default under development. In production mode enabled.


Configure Farm runtime capabilities. The types are as follows:

interface FarmRuntimeOptions {
runtime?: {
path: string;
plugins?: string[];
namespace?: string;
isolate?: boolean;


  • Default value: The path of Farm's built-in runtime

Customize a Runtime to replace Farm's built-in Runtime.


It is not recommended to configure this option under normal circumstances, because once this option is configured, the pointed runtime needs all


  • Default value: The path of Farm's built-in runtime-plugin-hmr

Configure the Runtime plug-in, through the Runtime plug-in, you can intervene in Runtime behavior, such as module loading, resource loading, etc. For details, please refer to: WIP.


  • default: name field of project package.json

Configure the namespace of Farm Runtime to ensure that the execution of different products under the same window or global can be isolated from each other. By default, the name field of the project package.json is used as the namespace.


  • default: false

By default, runtime files in html are written inline. If you want to reduce the size of the html file by popping it up as a separate file, then you can set this attribute to true. If set to true, the farm entry script will be emitted as a separate file.



  • default: []

Additional file suffixes that are regarded as static resources, such as the following example, txt will be regarded as posture resources, and will be treated as static resources when importing txt files:

export default defineConfig({
compilation: {
assets: {
include: ["txt"],


  • Default value: esnext (dynamically adjusted according to the iteration of Farm)

Configure Farm to parse the AST of js/jsx/ts/tsx and support the ES syntax version when generating code. Possible values: es5, es6, es2015 - es2023, esnext


  • default: same as SWC

Configure the behavior of SWC when parsing AST, configuration item reference:


  • default: []

Configure the swc plugin array, each item of the array contains three fields:

  • name: the package name of the swc plugin
  • options: Configuration items passed to swc plugin
  • filters: Which modules to execute the plug-in, must be configured, support resolvedPaths and moduleTypes these two filter items, if both are specified at the same time, take the union.

An example of a configuration that supports JSX for a Vue project is as follows:

import jsPluginVue from "@farmfe/js-plugin-vue";

* @type {import('@farmfe/core').UserConfig}
export default {
compilation: {
script: {
plugins: [
name: "swc-plugin-vue-jsx",
options: {
transformOn: true,
optimize: true,
filters: {
// resolvedPaths: [".+"]
moduleTypes: ["tsx", "jsx"],
plugins: [jsPluginVue()],


export interface DecoratorsConfig {
legacyDecorator: boolean;
decoratorMetadata: boolean;
* The version of the decorator proposal to use. 2021-12 or 2022-03
* @default 2021-12
decoratorVersion: "2021-12" | "2022-03" | null;
* @default []
includes: string[];
* @default ["node_modules/"]
excludes: string[];

It's recommended to use default decorators configuration of Farm, unless you want to improve performance, you can set includes and excludes.


  • legacyDecorator: default to true. Using legacy decorator proposal.
  • decoratorMetadata: default to false. You have to set legacyDecorator to false if you want to set it to true.
  • decoratorVersion: default to '2021-12', proposal version. The value is 2021-12 or 2022-03.
  • includes: default to []. If you want to include modules that are excluded, you can set this option. Regex supported.
  • excludes: default to ['node_modules/']. Modules under these paths are ignored when transform decorators. Regex supported



Configure Farm CSS Modules.

interface FarmCssModulesConfig {
// Configure which paths will be processed as css modules, using regular strings
// defaults to `.module.css` or `.module.scss` or `.module.less`
paths?: string[];
// configure the generated css class name, the default is `[name]-[hash]`
indentName?: string;
  • default: ["\\.module\\.(css|scss|sass|less)"]

Configure which paths correspond to modules that will be treated as CSS Modules. A regular string needs to be configured. Defaults to files ending in .module.(css|scss|sass|less).

  • default: [name]-[hash]

Configure the generated CSS Modules class name, the default is [name]-[hash], [name], [hash] are placeholders (also all currently supported placeholders). [name] means the original class name, [hash] means the hash of the modified css file id.


Configure CSS compatibility prefixes, such as -webkit-.

interface FarmCssPrefixer {
targets?: string[] | string | BrowserTargetsRecord;

type BrowserTargetsRecord = Partial<
| "chrome"
| "opera"
| "edge"
| "firefox"
| "safari"
| "ie"
| "ios"
| "android"
| "node"
| "electron",
> & { [key: string]: string };
  • Default value: undefined

Configure which target browsers or browser versions to enable, for example:

import { defineConfig } from "@farmfe/core";

function defineConfig(config: UserConfig) {
return config;

export default defineConfig({
compilation: {
css: {
prefix: {
targets: ["last 2 versions", "Firefox ESR", "> 1%", "ie >= 11"],



  • Default value: undefined

All HTML entries will inherit html.base, for details, refer to Guide - HTML


  • default: true

Configure whether to enable sourcemap, optional configuration items and descriptions are as follows:

  • true: Only generate sourcemap for files not under node_modules, and generate a separate sourcemap file
  • false: turn off sourcemap
  • inline: Only generate sourcemap for files not under node_modules, and inline sourcemap into the product, do not generate a separate file
  • all: generate sourcemap for all files, and generate a separate sourcemap file
  • all-inline: Generate sourcemaps for all files, and inline sourcemaps into the product, do not generate separate files


Configure the behavior of Farm's partial bundling. For details, please refer to Partial Bundling

export interface FarmPartialBundlingConfig {
targetConcurrentRequests?: number;
targetMinSize?: number;
targetMaxSize?: number;
groups?: {
name: string;
test: string[];
groupType?: "mutable" | "immutable";
resourceType?: "all" | "initial" | "async";
enforceResources?: {
name: string;
test: string[];
enforceTargetConcurrentRequests?: boolean;
enforceTargetMinSize?: boolean;
immutableModules?: string[];


  • default: 25

Farm tries to generate resource numbers as closer as possible to this config value for initial resource loading or a dynamic resource loading.


  • default: 20 * 1024 bytes, 20 KB

The minimum size of each generated resources before minify and gzip. Note that targetMinSize will not be satisfied if ModuleBucket's size is less than targetMinSize, ModuleBucket will be given priority. Config enforceTargetMinSize can be used to enforce size.


  • default: 1500 * 1024 bytes, 1500 KB

The maximum size of generated resources before minify and gzip.


  • default: []

A group of modules that should be placed together. Note that this group config is only a hit to the compiler that these modules should be placed together, it may produce multiple resources, if you want to enforce modules in the same resource, you should use enforceResources.

Options for each item:

  • name: Name of this group.
  • test: Regex array to match the modules which are in this group.
  • groupType: mutable or immutable, this group only applies to the specified type of modules.
  • resourceType: all, initial or async, this group only applies to the specified type of resources.
export default defineConfig({
compilation: {
partialBundling: {
groups: [
name: "vendor-react",
test: ["node_modules/"],


  • default: []

Array to match the modules that should always be in the same output resource, ignore all other constraints.

Options for each item:

  • name: Name of this resource.
  • test: Regex array to match the modules which are in this resource.
export default defineConfig({
compilation: {
partialBundling: {
enforceResources: [
name: "index",
test: [".+"],

enforceResources will ignore all Farm's internal optimization, be careful when you use it.


  • default: false

Enforce target concurrent requests for every resource loading, when true, smaller resource will be merged into bigger resource to meet the target concurrent requests. this may cause issue for css resource, be careful to use this option.


  • default: false

Enforce target min size for every resource, when tue, smaller resource will be merged into bigger resource to meet the target concurrent requests. this may cause issue for css resource, be careful to use this option


  • default: ['node_modules']

Regex array to match the immutable modules.

export default defineConfig({
compilation: {
partialBundling: {
immutableModules: ["node_modules/", "/global-constants"],

Immutable module can affect bundling and incoming persistent cache, be careful if you want to change it.


  • default: 0.8

Default to 0.8, means the output bundles of immutable module takes 80%. for example, if targetConcurrentRequest is 25,then immutable bundles files numbers are 25 * 80% = 20. This option is used isolate your mutable and immutable module, if you modified your business code, bundles generating from node_modules won't be affected.


  • default: true in development mode, false in build mode

Whether to enable lazy compilation, configure to false to close. See lazy compilation.


  • default: false in development mode, true in build mode

Whether to enable tree shake, set to false to close. See Tree Shake.


  • default: false in development mode, true in build mode

Whether to enable compression, the product will be compressed and confused after it is turned on. See Minification.

type MinifyOptions = boolean | {
compress?: ToSnakeCaseProperties<TerserCompressOptions> | boolean;
mangle?: ToSnakeCaseProperties<TerserMangleOptions> | boolean;

The compress and mangle options is the same as swc's minify config.


compress option


compress variable parameters


  • default: []
  • type: string[]

contains modules that need to be compressed, defaults to all, only takes effect when minify.mode is minify-module.


  • default: ["*.min.js"]
  • type: string[]

exclude unnecessary compression modules, only takes effect when minify.mode is minify-module.


  • default: 'minify-module'
  • type: 'minify-module' | 'minify-resource-pot'

minify-module module level minify, you can control which modules need to be minified through parameters, the compression is more refined and the efficiency is better

minify-resource-pot ResourcePot level minify, specific modules cannot be controlled through parameters


  • default: false in development mode, true in build mode
type FarmPresetEnvConfig =
| boolean
| {
include?: string[];
exclude?: string[];
// TODO using swc's config
options?: any;
assumptions?: any;

By default, polyfills will not be injected into modules under node_modules, if necessary, please use include to add polyfills.


  • default: []

Include additional modules that require polyfill, configure regular strings, for example include: ['node_modules/(es6-package|my-package)/']

presetEnv. exclude

  • default: ['node_modules/']

Configure modules that do not require polyfill, and configure regular strings, such as exclude: ['custom-path/(es5-package|my-package)/']. By default node_modules is excluded, if you need to include excluded modules, it is recommended to use include


  • default: downgrade to ES5

Options passed to swc preset env, see


  • default: true

Options for Persistent Cache. Configuring it false to disable cache.

export type PersistentCache =
| boolean
| {
namespace?: string;
cacheDir?: string;
buildDependencies?: string[];
moduleCacheKeyStrategy?: {
timestamp?: boolean;
hash?: boolean;


  • default: farm-cache

Namespace for the cache, caches under different namespace will be isolated.


  • default: node_modules/.farm/cache

Cache store directory.


  • default: farm.config.ts and all its deep dependencies

File path or package name that may affect the compilation, for example, plugins. By default, farm.config.ts/js/mjs and all of its deep dependencies will be treated as build dependencies, if any of these files changed, all cache will be invalidated.

it can be a file path or a package name, for example:

import { defineConfig } from "@farmfe/core";
import path from "node:path";

export default defineConfig({
persistentCache: {
buildDependencies: [
// a file path
path.resolve(process.cwd(), "./plugins/my-plugin.js"),
// a package name, note that this package must expose package.json


  • default: { timestamp: true, hash: true }

How to generate cache key when trying to reuse cache. if timestamp is true and the timestamp of the module is not changed, then all build stage hooks like load, transform will be skipped and the cached module will be reused. if hash is true and the content of the module is not changed, load and transform hook will be called to get the transformed content, other hooks will be skipped and the cached module will be reused.

  • timestamp: whether check timestamp of the module, which has the best performance
  • hash: whether check content hash after load and transform


Envs used to invalidate cache, if the configured env changed, then all cache will be invalidated.


  • default: true

Enable progress bar or not.


  • default: license

Preserve comments or not:

  • true: Preserve all comments
  • false: Remove all comments
  • license: Preserve all LICENSE comments, and remove the others
Extremely Fast Web Build Tool Written in Rust

Copyright © 2024 Farm Community. Built with Docusaurus.